OTC derivatives and structured products golden database.

LexiFi Apropos brings to financial institutions the capacity of implementing their own uniformly defined financial contract database, which provides a single version of the truth to all downstream manipulations.

LexiFi’s approach is based on the rigorous concept of standardised contract definition. It powers the creation, maintenance and the functioning of a “golden database” of financial contracts that is completely unconstrained by contract specificities, fully auditable and transferable.

Professionals of the industry are often overwhelmed by the substantial amount, heterogeneity and complexity of financial data. Our system of record is used for all features and can be inspected through a global search tool that helps to both skim through and analyse in a more detailed way this enormous flow of information. Explore the database with simple keywords and quickly get access to any type of contract information, from simple identification codes to complex quantitative information.

Using intuitive connectivity tools, this “golden database” can also be accessed by external systems and becomes a central, vital element in a complex ecosystem dedicated to derivatives.

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Figure 1: LexiFi Apropos' global search bar allows to explore all available data and functionalities